Stiri legate de lumea gastronomiei, de piata restaurantelor si a localurilor de consum public si subiecte adiacente citeste tot

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Relais & Châteaux and its chefs act to save the oceans

On 8th June, Relais & Châteaux will celebrate UN-recognized World Oceans Day for the 3rd year in a row. In partnership with Ethic Ocean, Relais & Châteaux chefs around the world will offer sustainable seafood menus. The ocean is our universal larder, providing sustenance to every part of our planet. This is a time for Relais & Châteaux to pay tribute to the sea and heighten people’s awareness of the important role they play, in a grand celebration called “Exquisite Fish.”

The oceans’ fragile balance is being gradually destroyed: 31% of the planet’s seafood stock is overfished and 58% is fully fished (Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, 2016). But by choosing sustainable species, promoting ethical fishing methods, contributing to local economic development and offering seasonal menus, Relais & Châteaux chefs aim to protect our oceans’ biodiversity and provide quality products for its guests and future generations.  Chefs play a key role in that they set culinary trends and can influence both suppliers and consumers. Indeed, chefs and restaurateurs took an important role and contributed to save Bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean Sea.

It is clear that the impact of climate change also poses new constraints to the food chain. For Philippe Gombert, International President, „Relais & Châteaux properties serve as watchmen, protectors of that which is most precious to the region, pathfinders who open the door to the cuisine of the future with responsibility and commitment.”

Here you will find all the “Exquisite Fish” events in the name of World Oceans Day, demonstrating a shared commitment to protecting the biodiversity of our oceans, supporting sustainable fishing, contributing to local economic development and offering healthy dishes teeming with quality.

Epoque Hotel Relais & Chateaux celebrates #WorldOceansDay with a 3-course special „Exquisite Fish” menu @L’Atelier. The 3 turbot-based specialties created by Chef Samuel Le Torriellec are uniquely thought to make use of an entire fresh turbot in a creative and skillful way, thus underlining the importance of sustainable cooking of seafood menus.

“Exquisite Fish” @L’Atelier:

Turbot cheeks with tarragon, and Greek style consommé

Black Sea turbot ceviche with Mediterranean citrus, cherry tomatoes and caramelized onions

Turbot Steak slowly cooked in slightly salted butter and marinated onions

About Ethic Ocean

Ethic Ocean is an environmental organization dedicated to the preservation of fish resources and marine ecosystems. Its mission focuses on the creation of  opportunities aiming to enhance the implementation of sustainable practices within the sector.

About Relais & Châteaux

Established in 1954, Relais & Châteaux is an association of more than 550 landmark hotels and restaurants operated by independent innkeepers, chefs, and owners who share a passion for their businesses and a desire for authenticity in their relationships with their clientele.

Relais & Châteaux is established around the globe, from the Napa Valley vineyards and French Provence to the beaches of the Indian Ocean. It offers an introduction to a lifestyle inspired by local culture and a unique dip into human history.

Relais & Châteaux members have a driving desire to protect and promote the richness and diversity of the world’s cuisine and traditions of hospitality. They are committed to preserving local heritage and the environment, as encompassed in the Charter presented to UNESCO in November 2014. (Press release – June 2018)

About L’Atelier

L’Atelier – l’art culinaire is the gastronomic restaurant of Epoque Hotel Relais & Chateaux, offering fine French cuisine in an ambiance of rare charm, right in the heart of aristocratic Bucharest.

Data actualizarii: 24/07/2019

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