Stiri legate de lumea gastronomiei, de piata restaurantelor si a localurilor de consum public si subiecte adiacente citeste tot

Ord. dupa

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Pentru cei care vor sa studieze piata Foodservice la nivel international in detaliu: 


Global Foodservice Market Analysis 2020

The 561 pages of this book are jam-packed with eye-popping statistics and quantitative analysis that distill the global foodservice industry into a single comprehensive reference resource of data that can only be found here.

In this ground-breaking multi-year, multi-national study, we have wrung out tens of thousands of pages of industry reports and syndicated resources (then augmented it with the tireless efforts of our PhD-level quantitative analysts and empirical evidence gained by our boots-on-the-ground consulting engagements spanning 100+ countries) to bring you the definitive reference manual for top-tier industry and functional area leaders including:

  • C-Suite of Global Chain Foodservice, Hospitality, and Restaurant Operations
  • Private Equity, Family Office, and Institutional Investment Firms
  • Suppliers, Manufacturers, Brokers, Distributors, and Tech-Innovators

You’ll gain insight on the latest thinking, trends, best practices, forecasts, and predictions for:

  • Operations
  • Marketing
  • Technology
  • Finance
  • Valuations
  • Liquidity
  • Investments Expansion
  • Optimization
  • Delivery
  • M&A
  • and more

The best ah-ha moments come when we put aside dismissiveness and are open to the possibility that there may be a gem of an opportunity waiting to be discovered by venturing into the “didn’t know I didn’t know” field of industry data that is both broad and deep.

This book has been designed to be consumed page-by-page, bite-by-bite — like flavored jelly beans.

As you taste each page (and flavor) for yourself, you’ll find your own favorites that you will seek out again and again.

Meaning, you’ll find at least a few dozen charts in this deck that give you an entirely new perspective on the industry: whether you’re a seasoned global C-suite executive, long-time industry analyst, non-nonsense investor, part of a supplier salesforce, or first-time operator or foodservice industry board member, you are going to find some data-points in this deck that hit you between the eyes and give you your own eureka moment.

A lightbulb will go off and an implication or opportunity for your corporate strategy will be revealed to you in an entirely new light.

  • Cure corporate inertia and dismissiveness with data
  • Go beyond the headlines to get the hard facts on key industry themes
  • Compare performance on an apples-to-apples basis with fresh industry metrics and ratios
  • Find fast-moving trade winds your competitors have missed
  • Understand how international trends impact domestic performance
  • Get a look under the hood of newly engineered public and private companies
  • Gain valuable proof-points for your own models, forecasts, and predictions
  • Invest with more informed industry intelligence and understanding of value drivers
  • Build support for your own internal business case to win over key decision-makers

This report is designed for anybody looking to get a better understanding of the restaurant industry and obtain forecasts of where it’s headed to make decisions on where to invest and how to grow.


Keep up to date with what’s happening outside the business and help you answer questions such as:

  • Are we in the right markets with the right brands and formats? ·
  • How will the consumer and competitive landscape change in the future (so that you can ask your CEO how your company is preparing)?
  • What are the most relevant changes to the competitive landscape (so you can compare notes with your executive team)?


Stay informed about seismic industry shifts and about how the competition is growing, and get answers to questions like:

  • How should we tackle international expansion?
  • How should our format and unit-economic model adapt to increasing cost pressures?
  • Are we able to measure all metrics that are relevant and do we track the right KPIs? How do we compare to our competitors?


Compare performance to industry benchmarks and find gaps and uncover areas of opportunity and quantify where value is trapped or hidden.

  • Is our business competitive in terms of productivity metrics? ·
  • Where do we excel and where are we weak in terms of cost and revenue?
  • What’s the risk in terms of leverage compared to other players in the industry?


Improve sagging sales and generate more attention within the same budget, and answer questions like:

  • Is our marketing budget comparable to the competition or are we ahead/behind?
  • How can we make the case for a change in the marketing budget allocation?
  • How is marketing changing in restaurants?


Help identify the targets most likely to secure the desired IRR with a compilation of industry data giving context and answering critical questions when considering an acquisition:

  • Are we investing in the right category, segment, and geography or do valuations have a more positive forecast in other places?
  • What companies pose the biggest threats for the target during the holding period?
  • Are margins sustainable for the next 5 years?


Find data and insights to help accelerate your brand’s expansion while mitigating risks:

  • In what geographies should we expand based on the potential for chained players to dominate?
  • Are we ignoring any key and relatively easy to penetrate markets?
  • What metrics can help us reinforce our standard operating procedures?


Identify strategies to compete with the “big guys” using the advantage of agility:

  • What categories and cuisines represent an opportunity not being tackled by chains?
  • How can I adapt the menu to increase sales?
  • Are we being efficient in terms of costs?

Global Foodservice Market Analysis 2020

Data actualizarii: 25/08/2020

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